Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Anniversary and a Birthday!

So the past month we celebrated not only our 2nd anniversary, but also Everett's 1st birthday. It all passed without much pomp and circumstance as we were pretty broke. I had managed to put away a little bit of money, so in a last minute decision we took off for Banff to celebrate. Unfortunately, our little man had other ideas about our celebration and spent the weekend throwing up. Thank goodness the wonderful manager at the Mount Royal Hotel was kind enough to re-emburse us the cost of our room. The next weekend, we celebrated Everett's birthday by having a family dinner at Grandma Reggie and Papa John's house. Everett had a blast playing with his cousins and opening some presants and then we took him swimming in the evening. I splurged by making him monster cupcakes. I think that they turned out pretty cute! Check 'em out:

Here are some of the things that Everett can do now that he is a big 1 year old:

~He can walk, although I would say that it wasn't until last week that he was doing it most of the time. So even though he took his first steps at 11 months, he wasn't "walking" until 13 months.

~He still loves swimming and now he splashes and laughes and tries to swim in the little pool.

~He weighs 26 lbs!!! He is one heavy dude, but he has stopped growing as fast and we might actually get to wear 12 month clothing for more than a month (or like 9 month clothes, miss them altogether).

~He can climb, and climb he does. His favorite place is the green chair in the front room.

~He LOVES the playground, but especially the slide. Unfortuantely, mommy has forgotten the camera everytime we have gone to the park, except the first time and it was too busy for the slide that day! ~He has the curliest hair now that it has grown a bit. I am sad to cut it, but I think it will grow better if we shave it off. We will see!

Well, I know it was a bit over due, but there you have it. Can you believe so much can happen in two years?

Sunday, April 17, 2011


So for anyone who actually checked out my blog before this posting, here is the video that was supposed to be first on the list. Sorry!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our Funny Boy

Friday, January 28, 2011

Catch up!

I feel as though I am always playing catch up on this thing, so I have decided I am not going to try to catch up anymore. If something fun, interesting or special happens, I am going to write about it, but I am not going to keep a comprehensive developmental blog about Everett. It is just to hard and I always feel like I am falling behind and it is a chore. Bleh!

With that in mind, the first thing I want to write about is nothing related to us. A wonderful, beautiful, amazing and creative friend of mine, Shannon, has created a blog for her Daughter. Everyone who checks out my blog needs to click here and check hers out! It is inspiring and heart warming and she has given me permission to link it to mine, so please take a look. I wish I would have thought of it! Congrats Shannon on the beautiful work (both Mac and the Blog lol)!

Now onto our life. As everyone knows, Christmas has recently passed. This was Everett's first Christmas and as much as I would like to say it is one he will never forget, he probably already has! Either way, it was a special Christmas for us as we travelled for 12 days (for the twelve days of Christmas, my true love gave to me...) and were blessed to spend time with family we rarely get to see. We started off to Vegas and spent 5 days with Brock's sister Renee and her husband Matt. They were so kind to accommodate us and even gave us their vehicle to tour around Vegas, treated us to fantastic home cooked meals and an AMAZING dinner out, got us a babysitter to watch all of the kids so we could have an adults night out (thanks to the Brandley's for letting us all go see Harry Potter) and were just wonderful to spend time with! We miss you guys!!
Then, it was off to Phoenix for another 5 days of fun! We spent these with Mark, Cheryl, Sierra, Chase and My Mom and Dad. Yup, that's right, My mom and Dad flew to Phoenix for Christmas! It was a blast, we took in great shopping, were treated to fantastic meals and beautiful scenery, and relaxed in style on a handsome GREEN golf course. We enjoyed a pool that was as warm as most hot tubs in Canada and had no snow. That made it better I think. We cannot thank Mark and Cheryl enough for opening their home to us and spoiling us rotten!
Thank you to our wonderful families for having us for the holidays. We love you very much! Forgive me, however, for a screaming sick boy is beckoning me!