Can you believe that our little girl is 3 months old already? She is pretty amazing and has adapted to life in our little family seamlessly. Riley is a strong, beautiful, funny and happy girl. She loves to play on her play mat and receive attention from her big brother. She is always smiling and laughing. Riley talks and coos up a storm. Sometimes I wonder how we have been so blessed with 2 very different but awesome children.
Riley is growing so much and changing all the time. She still has blue eyes (which surprises me as I thought they would go brown). She now weighs 12lbs 11oz and is 24 inches long. She is so strong, she already rolls to her side and has rolled to her tummy once. If she could have her way, she would never be laying down, she always wants to be sitting up and has the neck strength to do it.
We have been very busy around here the last few weeks. Brock has worked very hard getting our fence put up. It is taking longer than we thought, but slowly it is coming together. We also bought a new vehicle to replace the Envoy. We are the proud owners of a 2009 Ford Flex and we love it to bits! It drives like a dream and has enough room for all of our needs. It even has DVD players in the head rests, which unfortunately provides plenty of arguments when Everett thinks we should watch a movie just to go to the grocery store (read: a 5 minute drive).
Everett is into full blown terrible twos. The day is not complete with out at least two meltdowns and a temper tantrum. Yesterday morning after being up with Riley all night, I stayed in bed while Brock hopped in the shower. That will teach me for trying to catch an extra 10 minutes of sleep. I come down stairs to get Riley who is crying and find Everett sucking on a permanent marker. Brock cleaned him up before I could get a photo but here is my wall. Several nights before this, we had put Everett to bed at about 9. When Brock and I went to bed at 11, we discovered Everett sitting in his bed with the light on playing with this trains and cars. That's what I get for putting toys in his room I guess!