Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall has arrived!

So this is what we have to look forward to in the near future. I am excited, nervose, and a bit upset. Oh well, here's to a few more sunny days. Anyways, a little bit of a wedding update. My dress, as you already know has arrived and I had my first fitting. I was super stoked to discover that my seamstress who was supposed to be on holidays from November to April has decided to cut her holidays short and return in January! Yay for not having to find another seamstress. Also, apparently we have secured Sven Ericksons to do the catering. I say apparently because my soon to be mother-in-law is arranging this. We also have a bunch of meetings with DJ's and hopefully will have some with JP's soon. Crap, where is all the time going!

On a completely unrelated topic, two of the series that I read (the Inheritance AKA Eragon, and House of Night) came out in September. I am happy and a little bit sad to say that I am finished them both and currently in need of something new and awesome to read. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Anyhoo, TTFN and all of our love!!!

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